Thursday, November 17, 2011

changing impressions~

I have to say that my impression of japan has not changed but to say that  maybe my impression has grown. I never came to japan with a set idea that this is what japan is and this is all there is. I came here with an open mind and ready to learn. I feel that living here for the past four months has been one of the best experiences in my life. I will never forget the wonderful people I have met or the wonderful places I have been. Everyday was a new experience and I will treasure these memories always. I hope to one day return to this country and maybe even live here. who knows what lies ahead but I know some where down this road it will lead me back to Japan.

Monday, November 7, 2011


If there is something that I don't really know anything about, it would be politics. Here in Japan when you walk the streets you see posters everywhere of the people who are running for positions and also unlike in the US people drive around in cars with loud speakers asking the people in the community to vote for them. They also will stand on the street corner talking to people who walk by and sometimes you can see them cleaning up the streets. This is the only place you can see this kind of thing taking place it also happens in the schools as well. There is one person who is running and they have a sort of helper to help talk on there behalf. They also go to each classroom and ask the students for their vote and they stand at the front gates to welcome the students and teachers and then after about a week they have a meeting for all students when they give their speeches and then the students cast their votes. This form resembles a lot of what the adults do. Its very interesting how serious they take it here.